Basset Hounds - Puppy Page 2
The Logo'N
8...born February 20, 2001
Just look at us grow. Here
we are on March 26 at 5 weeks old!

Bridgett likes to play
with Rusty (left) and Starbuck (right).

All that playing wears
a puppy out. Feather likes to nap either alone (right) or snuggled
up to one of her brothers or sisters. Here it happens to be Bubba
she is snuggling with.
"I need a belly
wub, please!!" begs Starbuck.
This is the puppy area
at our Gretchen Mom's house. She makes sure we are always safe
on our visits.

These pictures were taken a
few days later on March 30. See what a difference a few days make..
Starbuck on the left
strikes his Easter Bunny pose, while Rusty nibbles on fingers.
Polly Ann appears to
be sleepy. While North's focused eyes stare straight ahead.
Feather (left) shows
off her white chin. Bubba (right) perfects his hug.
"Hey, get that
finger outta my mouth!" complains Bridgett.
Blazer shows off his
handsome face and coat.
April 8. Look at us now. We
are 7 weeks old and starting to really show off our personalities.
We love to play, especially with tennis balls.
"Hi Mom!"
Starbuck shows off his love for two legged Mom's.
Rusty shows off his
deep face wrinkles. What a smooshie face!!
Polly Ann seems to
have found something interesting to gaze upon.
The star on North's
nose definitely points upward.

Feather must have been playing
hard. She can hardly keep her eyes open. "Come on, Mom. No
more pictures..It's time for a nap."
What a build!! Bubba
is quite a stocky guy!
With all these freckles,
Bridgett is making a fashion statement.
Who wouldn't love Blazer's
classic basset baby face!!!
April 10----PLAY TIME
We get to play outside!
Even Mom gets into
the act.

It's chow time!!!!!
Click on the basset to go to Logo'N Puppy
Page 1
Click on the basset to go to Logo'N Puppy
Page 3
To Contact one of our two legged
Moms you can either phone Gretchen at (541) 830-0713 or email
by clicking here Gretchen.