Logo Basset Hounds - Puppy Page 3
The Logo'N
8...born February 20, 2001
has flown since we were born. Now it is July and we are 5 months
old. Take a look at how we have changed. Not all of us appear
on this page yet...but we will!!
July 22, 2001, four of us were all together. We posed for the
following pictures.
the left above is Logos Magic Blaze of Glory (Blazer). That's
Logos Magic Bridge of Hope (Bridget) on the right.
the left is Logos Magic Feather Duster (Feather) and Ty, formerly
Rusty, on the right.
Magic Star Gazer (Otis, who was originally called Starbuck ) is
living with his new family. They sent these pictures of him at
three months old.
lives a life of leisure soaking up the attention of all those
who enter "his" store.
new family of Betty, originally Polly Ann, sent the following
pictures of her on July 9, 2001.
Magic Hearth Throb (Betty) is quite a talented young hound. She
won the Puppy Dash and Longest Puppy contest at the Basset Olympics
in Lebanon, Oregon this month. She also was second place in the
Puppy Longest Ears event. It seems that Betty like
to explore. The dish washer might be a good place for a snack????

here is Captain formerly know as North.

fun to play at Logo Bassets.
for young houndies!!)
we come out and play?" ask Feather and Bridget.
Ty (Formerly Rusty)
Ty thinks he is going
to grow up to be a frisbee dog!!!!! NOT!
Blazer lives with
his new mom and dad, Betty and John. These pictures are from when
he came for a visit.
Below, Bridget deal
with the hard work of learning to stand in a "stack"
Haven't all these
pups grown into real beauties!!
Here is proud father,
Dusty with Bridget.

Keep checkin' back
here for more news from Logo Bassets!!!
Click on the basset to go to Logo'N Puppy
Page 1
Click on the basset to go to Logo'N Puppy
Page 2
Click on the basset to go to the Logo Bassets
Index Page.
To Contact one of our two legged
Moms you can either phone Gretchen at (541) 830-0713 or email
by clicking here Gretchen.